Cute Birds

Cute Birds

India / Rohtak

Care & Feeding

Like most birds, lovebirds love to exercise and require the largest cage that your budget and space can afford. Lovebirds that are cooped up in a small cage and never given any freedom tend to become neurotic and can develop self-mutilating habits. Toys are a must for these active parrots. Keep in mind that lovebirds are strong chewers, so choose toys that can stand up to chewing without causing a hazard. With proper care and a well-balanced diet, a lovebird can live between 12 and 15 or more years.

Good nutrition is all about balance for lovebirds, just as it is for most birds. A balanced diet provides the essential classes of nutrients: water, protein, carbohydrates and fiber, lipids, minerals, and vitamins. A seed-only diet is a recipe for malnutrition, and malnutrition causes many nutrition-related ailments. The best lovebird feeding option is formulated diets that include the essential nutrients and don’t give a bird the choice to pick through and eat only the bits he likes. Variety is also important for birds, so supplement formulated diets with bird-safe vegetables, fruit, and even healthy table foods (minus any sauces or seasoning). Learn which foods to avoid, and always ask your veterinarian before offering a food to your lovebird if you have any concerns.

Lafeber Nutri-Berries and Avi-Cakes are great ways to provide balanced nutrition while also increasing interaction with food. This is nutritious foraging, which promotes better physical and mental health.

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